learn about us

Walt Disney once said, " Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and tell their friends."
We're Michelle and Torre, the owners and operators of wish upon a pastry. A bakery inspired by treats from the parks, in hopes of making all of your edible dreams come true. Our happy place where you can listen to music from the theme parks and resorts, pin trade, and of course, indulge in our creations.
We specialize in custom sugar cookies and cakes, as well as customized and personalized dessert tables for any event! We have our own line of dairy free and vegan ice creams, as well as our own park scented candles!
Whether you have been here from house pickups, or have just joined along, we appreciate every one of you for helping us to continue to grow our small business.
So, to all of you who come to our happy place, welcome.
engaged - 03.07.21

married - 08.20.22